The Work of a Woman :: A Poem


the work of a woman in the middle of her life:

to tell a story
to be free
to live
to form a body of work
to wrestle with everything
she has been given and not been given
to resist the idea that
somewhere there is a more perfect
existence, a place to be known more fully

to be known here

to stay

to shape love like bread
and feed it to others
to trust and ache with loss
to grieve what was and
accept what is
to break through apathy and
keep the veil between spirit
and material thin
to read love in the sky, the
branches of trees and in the faces of
the people around her,
to be true to herself
to stop throwing herself away
to walk the shores of the ocean of
her loneliness
to come gently with friendship to her
her soul’s warm hearth
to honor her sorrow
to claim a space for herself
in the solace of God’s regard.


This is from my Daily Poetry collection at Patreon. To follow along, you can join my Patreon community here.