The Women Dance :: A Poem

Here is one of my poems from my first year of daily poetry. You can read the images or scroll to read the text. I’ve been editing all of the poems in this first year, and trying to figure out the best way to publish them!

Oh, how I love poetry.


the way women dance
is life, is more than movement
it is being and heartbeat
when the work is
the planting
or the harvest
or the cleaning of tin
in the slums,
the schooling, the caring,
the office job
when these are
the drums come out
the working, leaning,
bent body is
thrown off
(at least for a while)
and the women dance
they are more than work,
more than shelter, more than fire,
more than home, more than food,
more than survival
they move like trees with long limbs,
they move like birds,
like created things
like God’s own dear loves
like the laughing wind.


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