Some prayers.


I am praying for all of us. ✨🍃

My belly is full of knots. My heartbeat is skittish and frantic. It doesn’t know where to land.

I pray for you and for me. For those struggling in mental illness and anxiety in a time of pandemic and trauma.

For love. For consolation and hope. For care for the vulnerable. For healing for those who have been traumatized by images of racist violence.

I pray that our minds will be cleansed of the hateful words we have heard. That we will never hear the words “r*pist” or “nasty” attached to a nationality or gender in our own heads because we have heard them said loudly from microphones. I pray that we can throw all of this malice off of our shoulders, walk freely and in the purest, more fiery love.

I pray for truth, I pray for justice, and I pray for peace.

Lord, have mercy.

Christ, have mercy.

Lord, have mercy. ✨🍃