Adventures in portraiture.

This picture would be so perfect if only, well, if only Solo's head was visible.


Here it's visible. But... oh, dear.


The following is an example of how forced perspective can turn your average eleven-year-old into a half-giant like Hagrid.


And here is an example of how a shutter closing at the wrong second can give the same eleven-year-old an unfortunately Mr. Bean-like face.


I don't get it. WHY is it so hard to get a normal shot of everyone?


Or a normal face from anyone?


Ah, we'll try again. And I'll use the good camera next time.

As much as they are all gorgeous, it's hard to tear my eyes away from that one in the middle.

And yes, that IS a dog with muddy paws in our family portrait. That's a whole story in itself, complete with danger, angst, and impulsiveness. I'll tell you all about it. (Her name is Wookie.)