Newsletter #2 of the Searching for Home Project is out!

Hi friends,

I just sent the second newsletter in the Searching for Home Project out to Patrons.

Here’s an excerpt:


I started imagining my soul as a room. A small home with a lamp inside. "Just because there is conflict outside doesn't mean you have to tear all the books off the shelves," I would tell myself.

I worked on painting what was going on inside as an effort to see it as separate, secret, safe.

This work has been very helpful in beginning to built safety within. When there is conflict in other parts of my life, I no longer tear the books off the shelves in my inner home, or write with permanent marker on the walls. Recently I began reading Anam Cara, by John O'Donohue, and have found a wealth of thought on this subject. He says: "When you learn to love and to let your self be loved, you come home to the hearth of your own spirit. You are warm and sheltered. You are completely at one in the house of your own longing and belonging."

Become a Patron to join in the Searching For Home project and receive newsletters each month. Thanks so much to new patrons, Angela, Britt, Dee and Anita. You are wonderful and I’m so happy to have you in this community.