Good Things: A List


good things,
a list:

you are good
birthday king, i see it all,
you stretching from your infant self
to this young man before me
the bated breath of the 
world waits for you
you make music and 
learn better kicks, you
see through lies
you make lists of good things
that fortify you
you are fifteen years old
and no one can define you
except for you, Leafy, 
remember it

our friends came home
and Isaac has become incandescent
with joy

we will watch the 
new president’s speech 
and it
will not be hateful

women are 

i am allowed to be

the dogs are always 

green is a soothing 
color and there is cauliflower
growing in our garden
i will eat vegetables today

God has not given up on us

each other.


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