a series on being :: part six


:: part 6 ::

This kind of knowing helps with the ongoing grief that comes from being a human creature in this world. Because sadness is so isolating isn’t it? People try to understand what is going on with you, but they don’t get the combination right and they can’t get past the locks and you find yourself trying to explain over and over, because maybe their understanding will give you permission to feel the way you feel.

But people don’t need to fully understand you to love you.

And when you know you don’t need their permission, you can see their efforts to move toward you, however misguided, as what they are: love.

And you can accept love, even clumsy love that doesn’t quite get all of who you are, because you are forming those bonds with God, those threads that weave you together, you look back for reassurance and God nods. You’re okay. You’re still here. The friend who is trying to understand and missing it a little is not your definition. He is just another human. You are knit together, no one needs to hold you together.


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