Time travel

You'll never guess what I did last night.

I got on a water taxi, transferred to a Skytrain, got off and walked a few blocks to a gigantic, air-conditioned mall. Then I rode to the seventh floor and bought a ticket to see Harry Potter 7.2 (which was great).

I sat through the hour of trailers and commercials (maybe I exaggerate, but REALLY. There were SO many... they just went on... and on...) and watched a movie in sharp clarity, in a comfortable chair, ALL by MYSELF.

I'm in Bangkok. It's a city. A really big city, a really big modern city. It's amazing. It's astounding. We've shifted worlds again. Everyone has a smartphone. People text on the skytrain. It's so weird.

I can't tell you. Just a few days ago, we were here:

And now we are here:

But I didn't get a picture of the skyscrapers.

Sometimes world travel is like time travel.

I'm going to be working on putting together some highlights of my "Week in the Life," last week. Stay tuned.

We are cringing a little, on our Indian budget, at Bangkok prices. But while there isn't much we can do about guest house room prices, we CAN eat noodle soup and papaya salad on the street, and take the water taxi (only 15 baht, or 50 cents) which is a river boat. (Way better than traveling through the smoggy city by tuktuk or taxi anyways.)

And there is the skytrain, also cheap, and up in the air! My Superstar Husband is much better, by the way. That was a rough one- three days of fever, while traveling.

Anyways, we are saving money where we can. And it's fun, because trying new street food is amazing, especially because it's mostly safe here. (Though sometimes weird and seafoody or entraily- we avoid the entrails.)


Book News

Rebeca posted a wonderful review of The Eve Tree on her blog.

And Suse has another lovely review of The Eve Tree up at her blog, with a giveaway!

Thank you both!