Fun with scissors.

Today I put a stool in a tiny bit of shade in the courtyard, sat Kid A on it, and cut his hair. It took longer than he wanted it to, but less time than I thought it would. I love cutting hair. My way is all by eyeball, it is like making a sculpture, or a picture. And he is my boy, and I get to have him in one place and help him with my hands on his head.

Later in the day, I worked with my neighbor M and her friend. We sat in the garden and pulled weeds, swatting mosquitoes away from us. I coaxed the climbers away from their neighboring plants and back onto the fence. I cut some of the clumpier grass with scissors, which I'm sure was amusing for the neighbors to watch. I loved it, every minute of it.

I'm seriously considering the purchase of a couple of hens, to keep the insect population under control. We'll see.

That was three things. This is great. Just lower the bar, and you'll always succeed!