A whole lot of parentheses

I've been wrestling with feed stuff, trying to clean up the move process from Wordpress to Squarespace. Wrestling with feeds is no fun. They're spiky and short. It's hard to get a good grip.

If you follow me in Google Reader, chances are my feed is not coming to you. You can subscribe again in the sidebar. (Please, please!)

I was kind of not aiming to lose readers by switching blog platforms. But whatever! (Please don't leave!)

Enough with the technical stuff.

I've been living through several grace-filled days. From taking another friend on her first trip to the chaotic Mapusa Market and watching her work her way through crowds of people with baskets on her head, laughing, to hummus for dinner tonight, to waking up at 5:30 every morning to work on my book, I feel filled with grace, like it's inflating me from the inside out, like my bones are more sticky and viscous. They stand up better.

I wake up in the dark breathing prayers. I'm praying for help in all these community rhythms, all these limbs and hearts and thoughts ranging around in the dark. Help in being a mother, help in being a friend, a child.

(It's still raining! I just heard the unmistakable sound of heavy rain. My laundry is still on the line. Whoops.)

Today my friend Chrys drew henna art on the back of my neck. I can't really see it, but I love to know that it's there. Also, I made mixed Sabzhi (vegetables) and Rajma (beans, though that's like calling a quesadilla a sandwich) for lunch. And beet dill salad. I love beets. A new love. Beets everyday! Who wouldn't love something so red? Leafy, that's who.

Tomorrow my goal is to draw something, to get through all our school work, and of course to work on the book in the morning. I'll let you know how it goes.

(More on the book soon!)