It shouldn't surprise me but it does

Chinua took the kids out this afternoon for a rousing game of backgammon, so that I could write. Of course, he can keep the kids here while I write, but he probably had a bit of cabin fever.  You have to have cabin fever, to want to take Solo to a nearby café while you attempt to play backgammon.  Solo's presence is not conducive to the playing of backgammon.  Or any other board game or card game for that matter. Which is why the kids are always asking me to do something about his habit of crawling over the chess board or eating the jack of hearts.

"What do you want me to do?" I ask them.  I'm helpless. "Play your games on the table," I say. I mean, I tell him not to eat the cards, but he turns a deaf ear.

But I am chipping away, over here, just chipping away.  And you'll hear all about it. I finished Chapter Nine today.


popular songs in 1937

history of sign language

humboldt county established

nubian goat milk


That's a bit of a spoiler.  Let's just say the book is not about India.  Okay, I totally need to go cook dinner now.

Last night for dinner we had:

Paneer Butter Masala

Zucchini and Carrot Subzhi



and Cate's wonderful sprout salad (with sprouts, tomatoes, olive oil, paneer, honey, and lemon)

It was delicious.

Tonight?  What can I rustle up?

The gang just got home.  Time to cook for sure.  Here's a photo of YaYa with her babies. In the makeshift baby wrap that I tied for her.

YaYa and her babies

She asked me to wrap a scarf around her hair, so that she could look more like "a mama." It always surprises me that to her, a mama looks like me.