It's today! Launch Day for The Lost Art of Reverie!

I love launch days! It’s so fun to finally release a book into the world, after months or years of work. (This one took years… I wrote the first draft in 2017, but kept back-burnering it to focus on World Whisperer.)

I’ve been hearing the kindest, sweetest responses to this little fledgling bird.

One reader said that the only word she can use for it is “cozy.” Another said it’s like you just want to tuck away and be in Aveline with new friends. And another said it is “fun, insightful and delightful… therapy in a beautiful bouquet.”

And a lovely reviewer on Amazon said “Rae doesn't just tell a story, she invites us into the lives, hearts and minds of her characters.”

That is exactly what I hope to do.

Buy or borrow the ebook version of The Lost Art of Reverie here.

Buy the paperback version here.

Or here.

Love to you all,
